Saturday, May 31, 2008


Tears, Tears, and more Tears. This is how I have spent the last two days. When the bell rang at 2:35 on Friday I said to my kids, "Wait, you can't leave. I'm not ready." They had to go though so we parted ways with hugs and promises that they would come and visit. However, that didn't stop the tears.

I started crying on Friday afternoon and the tears have yet to stop. Ryan actually just asked me what I was doing over here and as I was explaining that I was blogging and the waterworks started again. He thinks I'm crazy but he teaches high school. There is no way he can understand.

Back to my year... Though parts of the year were stressful and my kids weren't always angels I had a great year and I believe that my students did too. We learned and laughed together. Fifth grade was arranged differently this year so not only did I get to know my homeroom students but I also got to know the 80 other fifth graders. It is hard to walk away from 105 students. That is probably why I spent Friday afternoon at Southland Pool with about 30 of them and Saturday at a couple ball parks watching games and hanging out. I know I am silly but I LOVE THESE KIDS!

Everyone says that other great groups will come through but I think it is something extra special this year. I can't wait to see what they do with the opportunities placed in front of them. I hope they reach their dreams and then come back and tell me all about it. I guess this means I will have to stay at Clays Mill forever that way they know where to find me!

It is off to bed for me now. It has been not only a physically but also mentally exhausting two days. I am sure that as I drift to sleep tonight more tears will flow. I can't wait till next year but at the same time I don't quite want to let go of this year.

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