Sunday, May 11, 2008

So Many Things, So Little Time

Well lots of things have happened since I last blogged. So, I will go through the list!

New House - A funny story to start out with. We took Ryan's parents and sisters to see the house last weekend. When we went in everything seemed normal however when we went into the kitchen we realized there was bird poop on the floor. We then went upstairs to find even more bird poop and also a glass vase knocked over and broken. Needless to say we called Jim (our realtor) and let him know. We haven't been back but Jim called and said he took care of everything. Apparently there was a vent to the outside uncovered and the fire place doors were open which allowed the bird inside. No bird was found on the inside so hopefully it got out. We close on the 10th of June. We plan on painting several of the rooms during that week and then moving over the weekend. Ryan has football camp that week so we can use all the help we can get. I believe we will be renting a U-Haul for the weekend so hopefully we will only need to make one or two trips.

Graduate School - I started graduate school through Georgetown College two weeks ago. All is well except I wish someone would have clearly explained that the class I am taking right now (along with teaching full time) requires you to write both a 25 page paper and a 10 page paper. It is just a little much while still teaching every week day. It would be different if it was a true summer class and I wasn't teaching. However, the good news is that I am halfway done with the class. It ends in two weeks!

Summer Plans - Well our summer is pretty booked with moving, football camp, and graduate school. Ryan's football camps are the 2nd and 3rd weeks of June. We are moving the 2nd week/weekend of June. I have graduate classes the last 2 weeks of June and then all of July. Ryan is also going to hopefully work some other camp through Bryan Station for a little extra money. So, we are just a little busy. We are hoping to take a mini trip (maybe to St. Louis ) sometime hopefully.

School - We are at the end of the year. It is a very bittersweet time for me. Ryan is happy (first year teachers!). Our last day of school is May 30th (stinkin snow days). I know my kids are ready to be done and so am I but I am really going to miss this class. They are sweet kids. Ryan is hopefully going to be able to go and be certified for AP Statistics. He won't get to teach it next year but maybe the next.

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